We’ve now officially been living in Paxanax on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala for over a month as well as it’s time to share exactly how we feel about this place. We’ve been so hectic getting caught up on our jobs as well as other work that we haven’t truly written much about our life right here on the lake.
Well, I have to say, our lakefront casita is the most spectacular location we’ve ever stayed in as well as the lake itself is indescribably serene as well as beautiful!
Ons leven
Each morning at around 8 o’clock, we get up as well as look out of the floor-to -ceiling window that explains towards the water, completely framing the enormous San Pedro volcano that stretches skyward on the other side of the lake. A awesome morning breeze blows into the open windows, as well as the temperature in the space is sublime.
We get up, clean our teeth as well as slowly make a tasty pot of rich Guatemalan coffee, which we enjoy from our upper level terrace. We relax as well as chat about what we’ll do on the site that day, before hitting the laptops for a couple of hours. working on a computer sometimes includes the assumption that the worker is in a stuffy workstation with artificial flourescent illumination as well as the endless drone of photocopiers as well as fax machines, however our office is different. We look out to the volcano as well as the lake which is so jaw-droppingly gorgeous that it’s frequently difficult to keep our eyes on our computer screens.
From there our day is a mix of work, walking, wakeboarding, drinking wine as well as enjoying aged cheeses, however instead of explaining our entire day in this article, inspect out the video below to get a great concept what life is like as a digital nomad.
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Lago De Atitlan is, without a doubt, one of the most visually breathtaking locations we’ve ever seen. three menacing peaks flank its southern shore with all of the aspects that you would expect from prehistoric volcanos, minus the molten lava spewing from their ominous craters. all the time we look out at these monstrous mountains as well as we never get tired of their tectonically shaped features.
The water on the lake can be as calm as glass on some days, completely reflecting the soaring volcanos, while on other days, when the Xocomil winds have chosen up, the surface is rippled with white capping waves.
The cloud rainforest that surrounds the lake is browner than normal as we near the end of the dry season, however even now it is rich as well as beautiful. tropical flowers bloom along many of our favourite waterfront docks as well as walkways, while vibrant birds chirp as well as sing, the allure of their bright colours surpassed by the melodic beauty of their song.
The air is dryer than the typical equatorial climate here, thanks to the elevation of 1,562 meters, however it is not so dry that it scratches the throat or dries the skin. In fact, the lake enjoys a spring-like climate year-round as well as while there are heavy rains in May, September as well as October, the lake can be visited at any type of time of the year.
Although we like our casita, it’s nice to get out when in a while! There are a couple of fantastic locations to spend the day, while enjoying a drink as well as gazing out at the lake. One such location is Isla Verde, an eco-friendly hotel with a huge chill-out deck with hammocks, a wholesome restaurant with locally grown products as well as (of course) you can likewise stay right here in one of the many cool cabins with gorgeous views! This is one of the very best areas in Santa Cruz to go and relax.
Wat een uitzicht! The perfect location to spend the afternoon
Ons appartement
We’ve already explained our apartment in fantastic detail in the video below, so I desire you to inspect it out. Basically, we couldn’t have requested a much better place. Every space is bright as well as enjoys wide open views of the lake as well as volcanos. We get a comfy bed, fairly dependable wi-fi as well as two huge decks where we can enjoy sunset with a glass of wine. What more might a digital nomad ask for?
Check out our Lake Front Casita in the video below!
De kosten
We were surprised to discover out that Guatemala is more costly than most parts of Mexico. At least around the lake as well as in Antigua (the only two locations we’ve visited therefore far). From what other travellers had told us, we figured that Guatemala was outrageously cheap, similar to locations like Thailand as well as India. This just isn’t true as well as the typical expense of groceries, accommodation, restaurants as well as transfer is more on par with locations like TurkeY en China. We besteden ongeveer $ 1.250 USD / maand aan het leven hier aan het meer. We eten extreem goed en drinken veel wijn, maar we gaan niet vaak uit en onze boodschappen zijn voornamelijk gezond en goedkope producten.
Als we hier fulltime zouden reizen, zou ik verwachten dat we ongeveer $ 2000 / maand voor ons beiden zouden uitgeven. Ongeveer $ 500 meer dan ik oorspronkelijk had gedacht.
Nadat hij dat heeft verklaard, is Lake Atitlan nog steeds een fantastische waarde. Ons appartement is $ 550 / maand ($ 600 tijdens het hoogseizoen), evenals onze supermarktkosten zijn beschikbaar in 3.962Q ($ 518) / maand en we besteden 975Q ($ 127) / maand aan alcohol. We zullen meer rapporteren over de kosten van het leven op Lake Atitlan in latere artikelen.
Ons algemene gezichtspunt van Lake Atitlan
Voor mij is dit de meest bevredigende bestemming waar ik ooit heb geleefd, terwijl Dariece wordt verscheurd tussen hier en het Caribische eiland Grenada. Dagelijks als ik uitkijk naar het water en de regionale vissers in hun houten kano’s zie, hoor het geluid van de tropische vogels en kijk naar de machtige San Pedro -vulkaan, ik heb het gevoel dat ik thuis ben. Als huis als ergens kan voelen als je daar slechts 2 maanden woont. Er is geen bezorgdheid dat Dariece net zo goed als ik absoluut van Lake Atitlan leuk vind als ik zou zeggen dat het de perfecte bestemming is voor iedereen die op zoek is naar de natuur en rustige sereniteit.
Er zijn hier voldoende toeristen en expats om een redelijk aantal voorzieningen te vergemakkelijken, hoewel niet zo goed veel dat het meer zijn karakter verliest. Een snelle wandeling naar een dorp of een reis op een boot herinnert je er meteen aan dat je in de echte Guatemala bent. Ik zou zeggen dat Lake Atitlan zo perfect is als het wordt.
Hoewel we hier zo van onze tijd genieten, kunnen we onszelf twee weken eerder van het meer pellen dan verwacht. Er is ergens waar we nog lang willen gaan, net zo goed als we vrezen dat als we nu niet gaan, we het misschien nooit zien. We kijken momenteel naar het boeken van vluchten en samenwerken met zaken in deze opmerkelijke Caribische bestemming, dus houd ons in de gaten voor meer!
Het leuk vinden? Pin het! ?
Voor meer informatie over Lake Atitlan:
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